Del Val Miata Club

Serving Miata Owners in the Delaware Valley Region

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  • Del Val at Cars and Coffee

Del Val at Cars and Coffee

  • September 27, 2015
  • 7:45 AM (EDT)
  • American Grille, 801 Hwy 33, Monroe, NJ


Registration is closed

The Delaware Valley Miata Club is offering Car Meets through Cars and Coffee NJ.  They have agreed to give us reserved parking at the event.  Visit their website to check out the events.

There are several shows the rest of the year so check the events calendars for all dates.

DelVal members will depart at 8:00 AM sharp the day of the event.  The meeting location is the American Grille parking lot, 801 State Hwy 33 Monroe, NJ.  The event is approximately 1 mile from there.  We will enter as a group to our designated parking.

Short ride and lunch after the event, ideas welcome!!

You must register on our website as I need to advise the people at cars and coffee how many cars we will have. 

Also register your car with cars and coffee at

Contact day of the events Tom Kilduff  732-261-4665 or

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